What Could Go Wrong?
Exploring the Downsides of Autonomous Vehicles

AutoUI '20 Workshop 1 / September 21, 2020 / 07:00 - 09:00 UTC

Organizers: Nikolas Martelaro (Carnegie Mellon University) & Wendy Ju (Cornell Tech)

While autonomous vehicles have the potential to greatly improve our daily lives, there are also challenges and potential downsides to these systems. In this workshop, we intend to foster discussions about the potential negative aspects of autonomous cars in hopes of surfacing challenges that should be considered during the design process rather than after deployment. We will spur these conversations through a review of participant position statements and through group discussion facilitated by a card game called What Could Go Wrong? Our goal is to consider the autonomous vehicle's benefits — improving safety, increasing mobility, reducing emissions — against potential drawbacks. By identifying potential harms and downsides, the workshop attendees, and the AutoUI community more broadly can design well-considered solutions.

Call for Position Statements

What do you think are possible downsides of autonomous vehicles?

Is there a specific downside that you think is not as commonly discussed?

We invite you to submit a 2-4 page (1000 - 2000 words) position statement on a potential downside that autonomous vehicles may have. Selected position statements will be featured on this website and will be shared with workshop attendees before the event. Our goal is to have these position statements seed discussion during the What Could Go Wrong? game.

Submit Position Statement
(Due Sept 12)

Workshop Details


Start Time - 07:00 UTC
Welcome & Introductions 15 min
Brief Review of Position Statements 15 min
What Could Go Wrong? Online Card Game 60 min
Group Discussion 20 min
Closing & Next Steps 10 min

What Could Go Wrong? Online Card Game

We will play a card game that Nik and Wendy are developing to help spur discussion. The game is similar to Cards Against Humanity. To facilitate online play, we are using PlayingCards.io

Online What Could Go Wrong card game on PlayingCards.io